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Love you baby

As October draws to an end, we realized that our sweet Lottie Lee has been born. According to all the timelines for our adoption and friends we have met through the blog world we can expect Lottie Lee to be around 9-12 months when we travel to China in the Summer/Fall of 2012.

Although many factors can change and everything about adoption is unpredictable it is comforting to have reached this milestone, as we have already been dreaming of this baby for 7 months. It's a surreal feeling to know that across the world our baby is here and waiting for us. In the past few months we have spent many nights talking about Lottie Lee and all the wonderful things we hope to share with her. We cannot believe how fast time is passing us by, although we wish it would go faster so that we would have our sweet baby in our arms, we are trying to cherish the moments and enjoy this time as we wait.

As Halloween neared, we made several pumpkins for Lottie Lee this one was the easiest-no carving involved, the Chinese characters read, “Love you Baby”, next year Lottie Lee may be here in our arms and we will be able to tell her everyday how much we love he

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