Application to USCIS

No morning sickness, but the paper cuts are awful. Today more copies were made, & big application to USCIS for our I-800 application for fingerprinting, not gonna lie I am so nervous & so excited all at the same time ahhh the joys of expecting!
What is the I-800 form?
"To determine the child's eligibility for classification as a Convention adoptee. The petition is filed by the U.S. Citizen prospective adoptive parent to finalize the immigration process of a child who habitually resides in a Convention country. The petitioner must have an approved, valid Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country, in order to file the Form I-800."
We need 4 exact copies of our Dossier, not sure if I am making much sense but every time we receive a document I rush out to make a copy. I am feeling more organized but of course could have waited until collecting all the documents and then made copies, probably would have saved countless trips to Office Max but I feel more accomplished doing it my way.
What is a Dossier?
A dossier (pronounced “doss-e-A”) is really just a collection of papers containing very detailed information about you. The vast majority of countries open to international adoption require prospective adoptive parents to compile a dossier. Compiling a dossier involves gathering documents, having these documents notarized, and then adding various seals from your county, your state, and the U.S. government.
Our dossier includes the following: