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What I do know

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and I stare blankly at my monthly agenda astonished that 2017 is moving towards the mid mark at warp speed.

I reminisce about this journey of motherhood, how sweet yet messy this journey is ( I hate messy). There is no "how to book" or step by step instructions, ironically just when you think you've got it down something happens and you are back at square one. Often I say to myself I don't know much it's trial and error.

But what I do know is....

babies grow too fast

sometimes we need to just embrace the unexpected

AND us Mamas need to be in their pictures.

Scott gifted me a Mother's Day shoot with our beloved photographer friend Tracy, from Tracy Nicole Photography (she is amazing if you are local, even in TX she is worth the trip to central TX). "Go take some photos, enjoy the process, don't stress" he said. HA HA does he know me or WHAT? I mean how can I not stress, but I took his advice. I didn't stress about the outfits or some crazy (ie: extremely cute accessory) I stopped by Target and DONE. Day of the photo shoot the skies were black, thunder & lightning, I should cancel. BUT nope, we can dance in the rain. I am going to enjoy this.

It was perfect evening, no rain in sight, it was sprinkled with some imperfect too, (ha isn't that motherhood) like when Bette refused to smile and when I ran to the car to fetch more cookies (ie: positive reinforces) returning a sweaty mess, when Bette lost her balance and fell into the water but Lottie sang "Here comes the Sun" and we danced and laughed and splashed in the river. In that moment I looked around at these two precious souls, thought to myself I wish more days I could just embrace the unexpected, the chaos, the crazy to see all the beauty in the mess of motherhood.

I am so thankful for my hubby who gave me such a thoughtful Mother's Day gift, the pictures are stunning but the gift to embrace the unexpected was the greatest gift of all. What I do know is Mama needs to be in these pictures and in their memories cause babies just don't keep.

Tracy Nicole Photography

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