Last adoption report to China
Even miracles take a little time" Fairy Godmother Cinderella
Our very last post adoption report to China, adoption is hard but it is so worth it. It can be scary but the very best things in life usually are. To think all the children in the world & all the families longing for children we found each other is pretty amazing, a miracle for sure.
China requires adoptive parents to submit periodic post-placement reports. Based on these reports, the child’s country of origin evaluates whether the child and parents are bonding, and how well the child is settling into the new culture and family environment. Some countries require a licensed social worker or the primary U.S. adoption service provider to prepare and submit these reports. A few years ago China changed their laws and allowed parents to complete the last 4 out of 7 required reports. This is an important responsibility for families to complete as timely submission of post-placement reports will help ensure that the adoption is finalized without delay.
While it is one last item on our always long to do list but it really allows us to see how much our Charlotte Lee has grown and developed over the years. She is truly an amazing little girl and our lives are richly blessed by her.